What looks like a French or Dutch scene of a moored two masted ship ready to be loaded at a dock in a river estuary with other vessels putting out to sea. This is an attractive small watercolour of the late 19th or early 20th century in good condition. Frame Size: Height - 12" (30.5cms) Width - 20" (51cms) Picture size: Height - 6.5" (16.5cms) Width - 13" (33cms) Internal Ref: 30416
Height = 30 cm (12")
Width = 51 cm (20")
Depth = 3 cm (1")
Victorian Watercolour of a Moored Ship
| $246 USD | €234 EUR
Item Ref
What looks like a French or Dutch scene of a moored two masted ship ready to be loaded at a dock in a river estuary with other vessels putting out to sea. This is an attractive small watercolour of the late 19th or early 20th century in good condition. Frame Size: Height - 12" (30.5cms) Width - 20" (51cms) Picture size: Height - 6.5" (16.5cms) Width - 13" (33cms) Internal Ref: 30416
Height = 30 cm (12")
Width = 51 cm (20")
Depth = 3 cm (1")